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Slavery in Puerto Rico


The history of slavery in Puerto Rico wasn't as bad as most around the world. The Libertos came with the Spanish to takeover Puerto Rico from the Tainos which they did. The Spaniards enslaved them on there own island and many Tainos died because of how they was getting treated. The Spanish only took over Puerto Rico to look for gold and that was the slaves jobs. In 1898 the gold mines were declared depleted and around that time if you wen't to Puerto Rico you was consider a freeman. At the end, those slaves became free and now people that was enslaved was trying to travel to Puerto Rico to become freemen. 

Resistance To slavery

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In 1527 Puerto Rican slaves showed resistance to slavery when the first major slave rebellion occurred in Puerto Rico. Dozen of slaves fought against the colonist in a brief revolt. The few slaves who escaped retreated to the mountains with surviving Taino's. By 1873, slaves had carried out more than twenty revolts, including some of great political importance such as the ponce and vega Baja conspiracies. (rodriguez). This evidence shows me that the slaves in Puerto Rico had heart because they kne                                                                                           w if they won even though there wasn't many of them they would've been freemen


African Diaspora 

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African Diaspora is when a country has a african culture they serve in there own country. Puerto Rico has Bomba, Bomba is both traditional dance and a musical style of puerto rico. Bomba was originally created by african slaves but it travel out to Puerto Rico and became a traditional in Puerto Rico.

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